Tree Saddle® 
Platforms and Sticks

Trophyline's lightweight and packable Tree Saddle® hunting platforms and sticks set the bar on rigidity and comfort in the industry.


Platforms & Sticks

Saddle Hunting Gear Inspection, Care, & Cleaning in the Off-season

Saddle Hunting Gear Inspection, Care, & Cleaning in the Off-season

Robert Kennedy walks you through off-season saddle hunting Gear tips including the inspection, care, and cleaning of your hunting saddles, ropes, platforms, and sticks.

Saddle Hunting Basics | Your Top 3 Questions Answered

Saddle Hunting Basics | Your Top 3 Questions Answered

When it comes to being on the fence or wanting to begin saddle hunting we are often asked the same 3 questions. Here are those answers!
Saddle Hunting With a Crossbow - Tech Tips

Saddle Hunting With a Crossbow - Tech Tips

Jeff Malara from Trophyline Customer Service is here to explain these details of using a crossbow while saddle hunting.
Girth Hitching | 11mm Linesman/Tether Rope from Trophyline

Girth Hitching | 11mm Linesman/Tether Rope from Trophyline

Girth hitching made simple with Trophyline's new 6" sewn eye 11mm ropes that can be used either for your linesman rope OR your tether!