Trophyline Tree Saddle is Back!

October 24, 2019 4 min read

Trophyline Tree Saddle is Back!

Trophyline is Back!

Trophyline is Back!

By Team Trophyline

We’re Back!

The market is finally ready for the Tree Saddle Revolution to begin and take it by Storm!  And, Trophyline is back  with modern updates making it easier and faster to hook up and hunt. The loyalty and support of the Tree Saddle family (our original Tree Saddle customers and Veteran Tree Saddle users who have been such supporters and “followers” ahead of their time) has never gone away . . . and neither has the intrigue and success of the Tree Saddle.  Trophyline is back!  Our hats are off to all of the VETERANS and “NEW AGE” Tree Saddle users who have kept the spirit of the Tree Saddle alive and growing!   We were all ahead of our time!  But you have not been forgotten; and neither has the TREE SADDLE!!   NOW IS THE TIME to bring Trophyline back!   After analyzing online forums and seeing that this revolutionary concept has finally reached a point of mass acceptance and desire for the original Trophyline Tree Saddle, WE ARE BACK FOR YOU!!! 

We’re bringing the TREE SADDLE back and making it better than ever. The Tree Saddle will be more comfortable, more lightweight, and quieter than ever while enhancing the safety and security. The new and improved TREE SADDLES were designed based on the same patented designs as the original TREE SADDLE.   So, they will still maintain the classic Trophyline appearance while enhancing the comfort, user-friendliness and RESULTS.


But How Did it Start?

Trophyline was brought to life in 2000 by the Green family: James and Irma Green, Sherry Green Mullins, Kimmy Krebs and Tyler Mitton based on the original Tree Saddle design which James Green began developing in 1961. With the National introduction of the original Tree Saddle, a whirlwind of excitement and intrigue in the hunting community began.

The Green family still operates out of Georgia. Sherry used her sales & marketing and engineering background to help kick-start the Trophyline Brand and the Tree Saddle. She and her Dad, James, worked together on the research and development of the Tree Saddle ® until they were satisfied that their product would Open Up a Whole New World of Hunting  for all  hunters, young and old. So, with a lifelong passion for the sport and the dream of making the TREE SADDLE a tool every hunter could use to increase their hunting safety and success, TROPHYLINE was born!

When hunting from a Tree Saddle, the hunter is completely secured in the saddle and to the tree. Our design is simple enough to remain easy to use and comfortable while making it easy to “wear in” to your hunting area leaving your hands free to carry your other gear. The patented design and quality construction ensure your safety: once hooked up to the tree, you cannot fall out no matter what position you have to get in to make that vital shot!

The Green family wanted to make sure their Tree Saddles were comfortable and safe in order to yield greater comfort for a longer period of time; quiet, 360 degree shooting versatility; and therefore greater results. The Tree Saddle cradles your seat like a hammock . . . could you be more comfortable?  Quality. Safety. Comfort. Results.  Isn’t that what every hunter wants?  

The mobility of the Tree Saddle allows the hunter to move with the movement of the “Hot Spots” : Freelance Hunting at its finest!  Those “Hot Spots” change through the season.  With the Tree Saddle, the Hunter can move and adapt with those “Hot Spots” quietly and efficiently on whatever tree puts them over the “Hot Spot” while blending in with the woods. So, the Tree Saddle  helps to “Even the playing field” of “Fair Chase”. You can easily ascend and descend various trees regardless of their size, shape or amount of limbs. Continue to utilize traditional means of hunting such as climbing Tree Stands, hang on Treestands, Hunting Condominiums, Ground Blinds, etc.. . . but , EVERY HUNTER NEEDS AT LEAST ONE TREE SADDLE in their arsenal to hunt areas that are impossible to hunt successfully any other way.  

The Tree Saddle was born out of a family love of hunting, a desire to make a difference, and above all else, a desire to make the sport safer and more successful for mature, experienced hunters and beginning hunters alike.

We’re so excited that our time has finally come!  It is finally the right time for the Trophyline Tree Saddle Revolution to begin!   We hope your loyalty and passion for this product line will remain and continue to grow with us!   As always, we want to hear your Trophyline and Tree Saddle stories and deeply appreciate your long-standing love and support!  We are your Tree Saddle ® family!  Join us in every way you can on social media!  Follow us on Instagram, check out our new and exciting website . .. . and please continue to send us your amazing Tree Saddle Stories!!!

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